
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Chess Talk Episode #230: Everybody Wants Wood
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
We're settling our differences this week for the special 10 episode edition: we're playing Settlers of Catan! Tune in and see if you can guess who's going to win, take a look at the pictures as the game goes on to get a better visual if needed. Chess it out and see if you can guess who will win and who will get upset once the game is over!
Links from this episode:

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #229: I'm Saying She's Wrong - Chess Talk Awards #5
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
The long wait is over! Every movie discussion, every TV show review, every video game tangent has been building up to this: the Chessies. We're bringing out our 5th annual Chess Talk Awards and going over what won our hearts for the year! Chess it out and see if you agree with our picks and what ultimately takes the cake for each category!
Thank you to everyone who listened this year, can't wait to see what next year brings us!
Links from this episode:
Meme of the Year Discussion: 13:45 - 30:45
Internet Video of the Year Discussion: 30:45 - 40:00
Cody's Pick - Brittany's Pick - Rob's Pick - Madelyn's Pick - Edi's Pick - Winner
Album of the Year Discussion: 40:00 - 49:30
Madelyn's Pick - Rob's Pick - Brittany's Pick - Cody's Pick - Edi's Pick - Winner
Movie of the Year Discussion: 49:30 - 1:07:00
Brittany's Pick - Rob's Pick - Cody's Pick - Madelyn's Pick - Edi's Pick - Winner
Video Game of the Year Discussion: 1:07:10 - 1:20:40
Brittany's Pick - Edi's Pick - Madelyn's Pick - Rob's Pick - Cody's Pick - Winner
TV Show of the Year Discussion: 1:20:40 - 1:38:00
Edi's Pick - Brittany's Pick - Rob's Pick - Cody's Pick - Madelyn's Pick - Winner

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #228: I've Already Seen This Movie!
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Award season is here! We're going over the Golden Globe nominations that just announced, what we've been up to, and getting into Marriage Story. Brittany is excited for Beanie Feldstein, and Cody refuses to let the episode end. Chess it out for all of that and more!
Links from this episode:
Weekly Recap: 0:00 - 7:30
Golden Globe Nominees Talk: 7:30 - 17:50
Marriage Story Talk: 18:00 - 34:00

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #227: Back When They Made Good Music
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
End of the year events are here! Sales galore and Spotify Wrapped is finally upon us! Cody reveals a conspiracy theory for Spotify, Brittany is questioning some trailers, and more this week! Chess it out
Links from this episode:
Weekly Catch Up: 00:00 - 6:55
Spotify 2019 Wrapped: 7:00 - 26:30
Trailer Talk: 26:30 - End of episode

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #226: I'm Old I Have Problems
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Get your comfy chair and comfy headphones out this week, we got a long one for you! We were lucky enough to bring on Alex from the Time For Your Hobby podcast this week and have him talk about his podcast, his media of the year, and just add his lovely Canadian commentary. Cody rants about Bloodborne, Brittany is treated nicely for once, chess it out for all that and more this week!
Links from this episode:
Alex Introduction: 0:00 - 24:00
Weekly Catch Up Talk: 24:00 - 37:00
Alex's Media of the Year: 37:15 - 1:07:00
Movie, TV, Song, Video Game, Internet Video
The King Discussion Spoilers: 1:09:00 - 1:33:10

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #225: Angry Man Yells at TV
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Get your appetites ready! Besides the big meal day tomorrow we got a meaty episode this week. Brittany won't stop talking about VR, Cody is angry about a meme, and Rob has exciting news! Chess it out for all that and more!
Links from this episode:
VR / Half-Life / Boneworks Talk: 4:30 - 12:15
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades
Wacthmen Talk: 18:00 - 23:00
Knives Out Discussion (Mostly Spoiler Free): 23:15 - 36:15
BoJack Discussion Spoilers: 37:45 - 51:45

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #224: He's Very Waif Like
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
What a week over here! We actually have a bit of catching up to do, so a chunk of the episode is the weekly recap. The other big chunk is trailer talk, both questioning some trailers and getting excited for others. Cody ponders the existence of horses, Brittany likes dogs, Rob is curious about Bloodshot. All that and more this week! Chess it out!
Links from this episode:
Weekly Talk: Start of Episode - 17:10
Pokemon Go November Community Day
Hell's Cafeteria (Idiot Sandwich Origin)
Trailer Talk: 17:20 - 32:45
Star Wars Mandalorian Talk: 32:50 - 37:00
Bojack Horseman S6 E5&6 Discussion Spoilers: 37:15 - End of Episode

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #223: She's a Horse in a Person Body
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
The Stephen King build up finally has its pay off! We saw Doctor Sleep this weekend so we're getting into that, Rob & Madelyn saw tons of chocolate, and Brittany loved Jojo Rabbit. Chess it out for that and more this week!
Links from this episode:
Jojo Rabbit Discussion: 12:30 - 19:10
Bojack S6E3&4 Discussion Spoilers: 20:50 - 28:00
Doctor Sleep Discussion Spoilers: 28:30 - End of movie

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #222: I Aspire to Eat Chicken Sandwiches
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Short one this week! Cody is on the mend so we weren't able to see two movies this week, we're just touching on Blizzcon news, Zombieland 2, and the first episodes of Bojack Season 6! Chess out the episode for that, some dog tales, why Cody got sick, and more!
Links from this episode:
Blizzcon Talk 11:00 - 15:00
Bojack S6E1+2 Spoilers Discussion: 15:10 - 21:10
Zombieland 2 Discussion Spoilers: 22:00 - End of Episode

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Chess Talk Episode #221: Do You Want Some Soup?
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
We survived the spooks, just one more day! We're wrapping up our spooky month of movies with a big hitter this week, talking about El Camino, and Madelyn goes buck wild with a rating system. Chess it out for all that and more!
Links from this episode:
El Camino Discussion Spoilers: 10:00 - 27:30
Spooktober Movie: 28:00 - End of episode!